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Showing posts from December, 2023

Mega prompt for GPT Training: "Critical Thinking and Scientific Method Chain-of-Thought in NLP complex word mathematics for GPTs

Step 1: Ask user for a real life problem described in their own words, numbers and lingo. Define (x). Ask user for clues (pieces) of the solution (y) if they have any. Step 2: WTF is (x)? [WTF = what?where?why?when?how?] ### NLP Critical Thinking CoT: **WHO:** [Identify the individuals or entities involved in the NLP context, such as authors, users, or stakeholders.] **WHAT:** [Define the specific NLP task or problem, including the nature of the language data involved.] **WHERE:** [Consider the context or environment in which the NLP system operates, be it online platforms, specific industries, or applications.] **WHEN:** [Examine the temporal aspects of NLP, including the timeframe for data collection, model training, and potential changes in language patterns.] **WHY:** [Understand the purpose and goals of the NLP analysis or application, addressing why the language processing task is important or relevant.] **HOW:** [Explore the methods and techniques used in NLP, e

The Limitations of AI in Scientific Reasoning: A Promising Path Forward

# The Limitations of AI in Scientific Reasoning: A Promising Path Forward ## Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in recent years, transforming various industries and revolutionizing the way we live and work. However, the limitations of AI systems in scientific reasoning, particularly in the context of natural language processing (NLP) word math tasks, present significant challenges. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of this problem, explore its implications, and propose a solution that combines the power of structured critical thinking and the scientific method. By integrating these approaches, AI systems can overcome the barriers they face in scientific reasoning and pave the way for enhanced NLP capabilities. ## Introduction AI systems have become an integral part of our daily lives, with applications ranging from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles. However, despite their remarkable advancements, AI systems still struggle to effective

Unveiling the Foundations: Merging Critical Thinking ToT with Scientific Method CoT in AI

Title: "Unveiling the Foundations: Merging Critical Thinking ToT with Scientific Method CoT in AI" Welcome to the inaugural post on ScientificAI! 🌐✨ Today, we embark on a journey that intertwines the intricate branches of critical thinking and the systematic strides of the scientific method in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. **Critical Thinking ToT (Tree of Thoughts):** Let's begin by navigating the terrain of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and HOW. In AI, understanding these elements is our compass, guiding us through the complex landscape of data and phenomena. It's the foundation upon which curiosity sparks, leading to the formulation of relevant questions. **Scientific Method CoT (Chain of Thoughts) in AI:** 1. **Observation:** Identify intriguing data, sparking curiosity. 2. **Question:** Formulate relevant questions for problem-solving. 3. **Hypothesis:** Propose testable predictions to address questions. 4. **Experiment:** Test hypotheses through controlled, re